Sometimes, funny board games are all it takes to turn your boring night into an exciting one. If you're highly competitive and love a fun challenge, then you'll definitely enjoy these board games.

We've got funny party game ideas and hilarious games for adults — choose from these games the next time you're throwing a party or getting together with friends and family. You're guaranteed to have a great party, and a great time.

Try them out, you won't be disappointed playing these funny board games.


4 Best funny board games

We've put out some of the very best funny board games to get everyone laughing, even those who aren't playing. Just watching people play these games will make you roll over with laughter.

1. Mad Gab

This game consists of two teams. Each team has 3 minutes to figure out the word puzzle, or mondegreens, on each card.

2. Monikers

Players are split into teams and each team has 60 seconds to get their teammates to guess the famous person's name on each card by giving them clues.

3. Would You Rather

Each card has two hypothetical questions to choose from that are both equally bad. If the person you ask picks the question that most people would pick, you get to move up a space on the board.

4. Quelf

Roll the dice and move that many spaces. Pick the card of the color of the space you landed on and read it aloud. You must do what it says, or you're out of the game.

funny party board games

Are you throwing a party and looking for some awesome party board games that will get the whole crowd laughing? We've got plenty of them right here. Play these funny party board games to keep everyone in a great mood at your party.

5. Just One

For each round, each player must write down one clue for the guesser of that round to guess the secret word correctly.

6. Funemployed

With this game, each player is given four qualification cards to build their resume. They must then have an interview with the manager and talk their way to winning the job.

7. Bubble Talk

Play this game with 3 to 8 players. Each player must match a funny picture with a hilarious caption. Whoever has the funniest one wins that round.

funny board games for adults

What do you need when you've got a group of bored adults sitting around watching TV? — Funny board games for adults, that's what! Don't judge these games until you've played them, they're loads of fun and will make you all feel like a bunch of big kids again.

8. Beat That!

This game is filled with tiny objects that each player has to stack, flip, balance, roll, catapult, and/or bounce with each turn.

9. Awkward Turtle

Divide players into two teams. Each player has a turn to pick a card and describe a weird word so that their teammates can guess what the word is.

10. Brain Freeze

Each player gets an equal amount of cards. All players flip their cards at the same time. If two people have the same card, the first of those two to answer the question wins both cards. And, let's just say the questions aren't anything you'd like to answer truthfully.

11. Political Incorrect

This is a game that gets everyone talking. One person picks out a card and reads the topic and only has three minutes to explain how they feel about that topic with other people either agreeing or disagreeing.

Downloadable List of Funny Board Games

Here is a downloadable list of funny board games (right-click the image and select Save Image As...):

How To Pick The Best funny Board Games

We know that all these games are great, but when you're unsure of which games are the best to play, use these tips below to help you decide.

1. Choose the Funniest Ones

It can't be more obvious than that. You're looking for funny board games, so make sure to pick the funniest ones. Test them out with people you live with to see how much laughs you get out of them before deciding on which ones to play at a party or get together. And, if you don't own any of these games, a quick search will let you know which ones are the funniest.

2. Complicated Games Make Lots of Laughs

It's true! Seeing people attempt to get the game right is hilarious. You don't have to choose a bunch of hard games, but adding a few in will definitely get people laughing, including those who are having a hard time playing the game right.

3. Take Note of the Amount of Players

Think about how many people will be playing these games. Some games can be played with lots of people, while other games can only be played with 2 to 4 players. If you have lots of people who'll be playing these games, a good tip would be to divide them up into groups and to give each group a game. Make sure to rotate between games so that every person gets a chance to play each game.

More Awesome Games

We're here for you when you need more awesome games to play, whether it be at work, or when you've only got a few minutes to spare, these are all so much fun.

  1. Mini-games like minute to win it games are more hilarious to watch than play. But it's super fun to do both.
  2. You'll need this list of party games for the next party you throw, or even one you're attending. Be the life of the party.
  3. What do you do when you're bored at work with other bored coworkers? You play around (or, two) of office games.

In Conclusion

And, there you have it, our hilarious list of funny board games that are incredibly fun. Try them out and see for yourself just how funny the are.

Everyone playing is sure to have a blast because everyone knows that board games are the king of games. What do you think people, back in the day, were doing? They didn't have game consoles. Board games were all the rage — and they still are.